how many years do we live ?
how many times do we die ?
i am born every morning.... look forward to the peaceful sleep every night.
that is how i live life and that is how i believe it should be lived. forget ur past, forget ur mistakes, forget ur weakness, forget ur pain. will it all away.
remember only what u love... what is worth waking up the next morning
most people dont find it...
most people cannot retain it... it can be a person, a profession, a book, a statue....
believe that mute perseverance will always triumph.
believe in yourself because u know ur truth
there are no gods, no co-incidences, no miracles....... only their illusions
world is not grey. its black and white. use ur mind... the truth lies in front of u.... its only as obscure as u make it
break free of the chains that bind u....
I agree to that "now is forever". We cant retain or own a moment. not possible. that'd destroy the beauty of that momnt.
its open to debate i guess...
I believe in 'now', but I think living it is made all the more meaningful and wonderful by the lessons learnt in the past. yes dwelling on it is no use but so is forgetting it. As much as I want to believe in it, I just can't come to terms with the world being 'not grey'. Maybe its just the cynic in me, but if I knew the white from the black so well, I might as well have been the Buddah..You paint too rosy a picture...the light isn't white anymore and there is an eigth color, though I can't put my finger on it..try as i might..
its been nearly two years since i wrote this. my perceptions have changed... still i wanto believe that the 'picture' i painted then is just as true now.. :)
eternal hope my friend, eternal hope.
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